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Monday, February 14, 2011

Life Giving Church

Once again I've encountered a life-giving Church.

How can you tell if you're in a life-giving church? Thanks for asking. You know you're in a life-giving church because a life-giving church gives life.

A life-giving church GIVES.

I've been fortunate to experience a few life-giving churches this past year and a half. And to be honest, before having experienced one, I wouldn't have believed they existed. After all, I've grown up in the church. I've worked in the church. And like most, I'm a bit jaded. Thank God, He has allowed me to not only experience a life-giving church, but be a part of a growing network of life-giving churches -

Churches that aren't in it for themselves. Churches that genuinely want to see us and others succeed. Churches that have secure leaders. Churches that genuinely love people. Church that give their resources away, for FREE. Churches that share. Churches that give life.

That network is ARC - The Association of Related Churches. I've met dozens of ARC church planters and ARC pastors, and still have not found one that was unwilling to lend a helping hand or give generously of their time and energy and resources.

This past weekend I took a team to benchmark iTown Church in Indianapolis. What a great church. What a great team. What a great leader they have.

Life-giving churches give. They are selfless. They aren't in it for themselves. They want to see you and me and others succeed. They serve rather than wait to be served.

God, please, continue to lead us in your way. Help us to be the kind of church that gives life. Help us to be the kind of church that genuinely loves and cares and gives. Help me to lead selflessly. Give me the courage and confidence to surround myself with better and stronger leaders than myself. May we know your life-giving Spirit. And may we be a church that gives life.


  1. I'm just curious about what you consider a "life-giving church", doesn't that term seem a bit contradictory? After all, it is not the church that gives life, it is Jesus Christ who gives true life. The church is a body of believers who are being sanctified and are persevering together, which represents the body of Christ. To say that a church gives life puts the responsibility on man himself, which is not correct theology. I'm not criticising you personally or Rock City Church, I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what you and your church represent. Is this based upon the truth or is it based upon giving things and experiences to people to make them feel better about their lives? I am a believer who regularly attends church and bible studies and I am curious about your church, as I have heard about it through the radio and television. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous,

    Thanks for your question.

    I, nor should anyone, argue that anything but Jesus Himself gives life. Life comes from Him, by Him, through Him. That said, His life is also at work in us and can work through us. That's good news. His Spirit is alive in me and at work through me.

    What I consider a life-giving church is just that. You know when you're in one and you know when you're not. It's intangible. You either experience the love and power and work of the Holy Spirit through the church, or you don't. You feel quite the opposite. When people feel empowered by the Holy Spirit, and compelled by God's love and grace, that's life-giving.

    I do very much appreciate your question, as it is a good question, but I do hesitate to respond to anonymous posters. My experience is that people say things they don't mean or wouldn't normally say had they left their name. Not saying that's the case here, but if you'd like to discuss this further, it'd be great to know who I'm dialoguing with.

    Thanks again. And glad to hear you've heard about our church. We were fortunate to not only have a large launch, but also some pretty significant news coverage. To God be the Glory.

  3. And one last note, I'd say much of being life-giving does in deed have to do with speaking the truth in love. Proverbs 18 tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death. That's significant.
