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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God Speaks Through Screen Savers

It was Monday night. I was sitting in a small apartment with 10 friends. We were talking about our up-and-coming move to Columbus. We've committed to each other to follow the call of God and plant a church there this year. We've seemed to have found a nice routine for our Monday nights. After having fasted the whole day, we meet together at six and share a meal to break the fast and celebrate God. We talk about our day, share exciting stories and spend a lot of time dreaming about what "could be" upon our move to C-town.

There's always a book we're reading as a group to help us develop as leaders and think outside the box, and every Monday night we spend a significant amount of time sharing what we learned. Then, we usually take a bit of time and talk about the pressing needs that each person has and pray for those needs. There are homes that need sold, jobs to be found, weddings to be had, money to be raised; it's quite overwhelming actually.

Then it hit me. Toward the end of an extended time of prayer, while listening to an itunes playlist I created full of The Glorious Unseen and Desperation Band's best worship choruses, my macbook's screensaver turned on. The song, "Overcome" by Desperation Band was playing and images of creation were slowing fading and zooming in and out. I gazed at the beautiful images and absorbed the words being sung.

"Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love. Destined to die, poured out for all mankind. God's only Son, perfect and spotless One. He never sinned but suffered as if He did. ALL authority, EVERY victory is Yours!"

I was taken back to the first night I had sung this particular song at Epic. I remember the power, the presence. I remember the hundreds of young people flooding the altar area, crying out to God for deliverance, to overcome their addictions. I remember feeling like I was in heaven, like God was right there, like we had somehow tapped into something divine.

Then I began to think about the road ahead. Columbus. A new Church. A vision to re-claim a lost generation. A City with 100,000 college students. One of the youngest cities in America. One of the best cities in America for singles. A Church that breaks the mold. A Church that ROCKS the city. A Church for God, the City & the World!

"Power in hand, speaking the Father's plan. You're sending us out, light in this broken land."

It amazed me, as I gazed at the pictures. God is so BIG. Where is Columbus in these pictures? Where is the earth when you zoom out and compare it to the rest of the universe? Even our great planet seems insignificant and small. How much more are our needs insignificant to God? The things we fear, the things that hold us back, the things that keep us from moving forward. What do they look like to God Who made all of this?

Yet, we are not insignificant to God. What we do is important. What God has called us to is great. Yet, our needs? The things we fear? If God can put all of this into place and make it work flawlessly, He can surely put us where He wants us and take care of all of our great, insignificant needs!

"Savior, worthy of honor and glory. Worthy of all of our praise, You overcame! Jesus, awesome in power forever. Awesome and great is Your name! You overcame!"

It's done. Fear of failure, fear of losing what you have, fear of the unknown; Jesus gave it all. All we have to do is trust and obey. Everything else will fall into place, just like the cosmos of creation.

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