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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The 5 Agreements

This past Sunday, we had the incredible honor of hosting Lee Powell, Pastor of CedarCreek.TV. For the past several years, CedarCreek has been listed by Outreach Magazine as one of the top 100 fastest growing and largest churches in America.

When Rock City was no more than an idea, CedarCreek came along side of us and our team. They believed in us and in the vision of Rock City Church while still in its infancy. They've become a true and trusted friend. They've supported us, mentored us, and continue to stand beside us as we navigate our way from launch to a healthy and growing church.

On Sunday, Lee shared with us 5 Agreements that have, over the years, helped to guide them and keep them on course. I think they are worth mentioning here. The commentary after each Agreement is my own.

First, We Agree that the cause of the church is our greatest cause on planet earth. If you believe this, it changes everything. It only takes a few to ignite a movement. A few who are willing to sacrifice, to serve and commit themselves wholly to the cause of Christ, to faithfully support the mission of the local church... If it's the greatest cause on planet earth, what are you waiting for? What's our cause, you ask? Taking the message and hope of Jesus to the lost, the hurting and the oppressed in our cities and around the world. That's it.

Second, We Agree to do anything short of sin to reach people who don't know Christ.
We're not bound by some rigid set of rules or tradition. The Message never changes, but the method by which the Message is delivered has to change in order to reach an ever-changing culture. What exactly does this look like? Watch Rock City, and you'll see.

Third, We Agree that the church can never get to big. What does big mean? Why focus on numbers? Well, for starters, there's an entire book in the Bible called "Numbers." And God uses numbers over and over in scripture. Pertaining to the early church, read Acts 2:41. Three thousand people were added to the church that day. Someone must have been counting. Someone must have been measuring that kind of growth. Numbers are a good indication of health. If we believe the church is the greatest cause on planet earth, and we're telling people about Jesus, the church grows. It has to. Healthy organizations, healthy churches grow.

Fourth, We Agree to be an example of Jesus' love behind and beyond the walls of our church. Simply put, we're not inward focused. At least, not totally. If our heart breaks for what breaks God's heart, we won't stay confined to our four walls. We'll be in our communities, in our cities, making a difference. Our hands and feet, our dollars, our work will be on foreign soil as in our own backyards. People are people. And people matter to God. And where there are people, there is the mission of the church.

Fifth, We Agree to do more with less. Nobody wants to throw money away. Nobody invests in something that isn't producing results. We are committed to being financially frugal, to make every dollar stretch. To do more with less.

Thanks Lee, for casting that vision for us.

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