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Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's a Beautiful Thing

These last 6 weeks have been full to say the least. If you've been following Rock City at all, you'll know that we ended THIRTYinTHIRTY with a win. We met our financial goal. Grew our launch team. Received a ton of traffic on Vimeo and the Rock City Blog. It'd be worth it to take a look back at some of our posts, as every day we added something new, including 12 new videos. After THIRTYinTHIRTY, we hosted our biggest launch team night yet, Katie and I spent Thanksgiving in Sandusky with our families, then she and I spent the last week in Washington D.C. with my grandparents. They had the time of their lives.

After blogging every day for 30 days, I guess I needed the last couple of weeks to just unwind and let loose a bit. God is good and Rock City Church is on its way. It's a beautiful thing.

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