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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Follow Rock City's THIRTYinTHIRTY

Why THIRTYinTHIRTY? from Rock City Church on Vimeo.
Every day, from October 17 - November 15, follow the Rock City Blog for videos, updates and stories that will encourage you and challenge you to take a closer look at yourself, the church and the God we live to serve. THIRTYinTHIRTY is a 30-day campaign of prayer, fasting and fundraising with a goal to raise $30,000 in 30 days! And the kicker - we've secured a full 2:1 match - that's $60,000 in matched funds on the line. Follow THIRTYinTHIRTY, and step into the movement by giving a tax-exempt generous contribution today! CONTRIBUTE HERE 


30in30 Day 8 - Sunday Morning in a Coffee Shop from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

30in30 Day 4 Randall Newman from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

30in30 Day 6 - I Love This City from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

30in30 Day 10 [Marvin Gee] Be the Church from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Molly's Story 30in30 Day 12 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Halfway Update 30in30 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Meet Ben & Jenn - 30in30 Day 18 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

That's Rock City from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Jeromy's Story - 30in30 Day 21 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Katie Fisher - 30in30 Day 24 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

An Invitation by Big V - 30in30 Day 26 from Rock City Church on Vimeo.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How America Sees God - USA Today

Am I the only one who thinks that one of the best parts of staying in a nice hotel is the USA TODAY paper that they set right outside your door every morning? As if to say, "Mr. Fisher, we greatly value your choosing our mid-priced hotel and accepting a room on the 5th floor next to a room with a crying baby and not the 6th floor where everything is much quieter. We know you need to stay connected to what's happening in the world, so we went out and got you this - the USA TODAY.

Well, I think it's awesome.

Anyway, one of the cover articles caught my eye.

How America Sees God
Here is what it said. Surveys say that 9 out of 10 Americans believe in God, but the way we picture that God reveals our attitudes on economics, justice, social morality, war, natural disasters, science, politics, love and more (say Paul Froese and Christopher Bader, sociologists at Baylor University). Their new book, America's Four Gods: What We Say About God - And What That Says About Us, examines our diverse visions of the Almighty and why they matter.

The study concludes that Americans have four Gods. They are...

The Authoritative God (28%)
The Distant God (24%)
The Benevolent God (22%)
The Critical God (21%)

And of course, there are those who don't believe in God at all. Atheists and Agnostics make up about 5% of America's population.

What's striking about this study is that only 22% of Americans who believe in God believe that God is all-loving. Whereas 73% of Americans who believe in God believe Him to be Authoritative, Critical, and Distant.

As I contemplate this current reality, I am drawn back to the groundbreaking research presented by the Barna Group just a few years ago, in the best-selling book, UnChristian, revealing the top six perceptions that 16- to 29-year-olds have of Christians. Those perceptions are anti-homosexual, judgmental, hypocritical, too political, sheltered, and proselytizing.

I have to ask, if this perception of Christians is shared by a majority of Americans, how then could we expect Americans to have a different, more positive view of God?

Catalyst 2010 - The Tension is Good

The Catalyst Conference is always a worth-while investment. This year was no exception. Something incredible happens when twelve-thousand leaders converge in one place - God speaks. For instance, just standing during one of the many times of worship, looking across the convention center at nearly every hand raised, twelve-thousand church leaders crying out in one voice,

"There is no one higher, no one greater; no one like our God! There is none more able, Christ our Savior, Great and Glorious."

The hair on my neck stood straight in the air. God was speaking in that moment.

"You are not alone. Look around you. I am raising up the next generation. I am with you. There is none more able. There is no one greater, no one higher. You are not alone."

It's always something when God speaks. It's something to think that, this vision that He has given Rock City is part of something so much greater, so much bigger...that Christ Himself is building His church, placing all of the pieces in perfect order, in perfect harmony.

God also spoke this year through the theme of the conference - through every speaker and guest that graced the stage -

"The Tension IS Good; The Tension IS Necessary."

Every wish the tension would just "go away?" Ever wonder what life would be like, what ministry would be like without the tension? Listen to what Reggie Joiner says of tension -

There is not one aspect of life where tension doesn't have critical value. Tension between the parties and branches of government creates a needed system of checks and balances. Tension in science can lead to remarkable insights and discoveries. Tension in the family provides an opportunity to demonstrate commitment and unconditional love. Tension within a team pushes them to better perspectives and deeper relationships.

Tension is good. It is absolutely required if you want to have an authentic faith. It is critical if you hope to engage in God's story of restoration and redemption. Tension compels us to respond to a higher calling. Tension helps us face our doubts. Tension challenges who we think we are. Tension clarifies what we believe about God. Tension prepares us to live our lives with a deeper message as a part of a bigger story.

So invite it. Create it if necessary. If you avoid tension as a leader, you are potentially robbing yourself and your team of the kind of defining moments that shape their character, stretch their faith, and clarify powerful insights. So choose to embrace it, even pursue it. By doing so you add an essential ingredient to your team that will give them the potential to change the world around them.

So here we in the tension. We love the church, but at the same time, we want to reclaim it, redefine it. We want to build a community committed to loving and serving one another, but at the same time, we want to build a community that is focused on taking the love and message of Jesus to the lost, the hurting and the oppressed in our cities and around the world. We want the Spirit of God to lead us, but at the same time, we resist Him when it disrupts our schedule or becomes too uncomfortable. We want change within the church, but at the same time, are we willing to do what it takes, to sacrifice everything, to have skin in the game?

It's the tension that makes us. It's the tension that creates our need to rely on God.

Andy Stanley says that "there are problems that shouldn't be solved and tensions that shouldn't be resolved. Progress depends not on the resolution of those tensions, but on the successful management of those tensions."

The Tension is Good.

Rock City Lifegroups Launch

Almost a year ago, we sat with a group of friends dreaming about the day we'd launch Rock City Church. We hadn't yet entered into a partnership with ARC. Our relationship with CedarCreek was just beginning. We were fresh on the trail of church planting - learning as we went along, dreaming and praying with a small group of friends who believed in us, in the vision for this new church, in taking risks and believing God for the impossible...

I remember writing a date on the white board. 10-10-10. That was launch day - at least it was back then. It was a goal. And it came as a surprise. I mean, we chose that date pretty much by accident. It was only after we checked the box on the calendar that we realized we had selected such a "buzz worthy" launch date - we called it The Perfect 10. It brought us focus and a sense of excitement and thrill. We were moving toward something big. God was up to something.

Needless to say, the further we continued onward - after forging a partnership with ARC and working closely with the leaders of CedarCreek, launching on The Perfect 10 seemed a bit premature. So we pushed it back. We set our sights on Spring 2011.

Then yesterday happened, 10-10-10. I hadn't thought about that date for almost a year. As a matter of fact, I didn't even realize it had arrived. I was just getting back from the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta with John Ransom and a friend of ours and thinking through some of the last minute details for our lifegroups that were launching in just a few hours.

Then Katie walked down stairs. I was sitting at my computer using Facebook and she said, "You know, we were gonna launch the church this weekend. We're launching lifegroups instead. We launched our website this weekend too."

Whoah! I was stunned.

Some people might look at that and think, so what? What's the big deal? But I say, no way! It's a huge deal. In reality, we launched the church on the very day that a year ago we marked on our calendars. We haven't thought about The Perfect 10 in almost a year. Yet, perhaps the most vital and life-giving part of our church launched, right when it was supposed to. Again, catching us off guard - surprising us. But isn't that God! Isn't that how He works?

God is up to something. He is preparing the way. He is building and connecting a new community. He is stirring in the hearts of many a vision for a new church in this city. He is building His church - on His time, in His way, by His might! And He is using us - by His mercy, according to His grace, through His strength!

By the way - we've launched lifegroups on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights...If you're interested, here's your invitation. Join us. Make a difference. Be the church.


btw, check out our new site at RockCityChurch.TV
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